Collection: Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is like a plant's very own superpower - it's how they make their food using sunlight! Imagine if you could make your lunch just by standing in the sun. That's what plants do every day, and it's pretty amazing. 

Here's how it works:

  1. Plants have tiny green helpers in their leaves called chlorophyll. These guys give leaves their green color and are super important for photosynthesis.
  2. When sunlight shines on the leaves, the chlorophyll catches it like a catcher's mitt grabs a baseball.
  3. The plant takes in air through tiny holes in its leaves. From this air, it receives a gas called carbon dioxide.
  4. The plant also sips up water from the soil through its roots.
  5. Using the energy from the sunlight, the plant mixes the carbon dioxide and water together, like a chef combining ingredients.
  6. This mix turns into glucose (a type of sugar), which is food for the plant. It's like the plant is baking its own cookies!
  7. As a bonus, the plant releases oxygen into the air, which is great for us and other animals to breathe.

Each piece of our Photosynthesis collection represents a part of photosynthesis - the green gemstones and glass are like chlorophyll, the flower shapes show how plants reach for the sun, and the intricate patterns remind us of the complex, but beautiful way plants make their food.